Title | Financing water and sanitation : key issues in increasing resources to the sector |
Publication Type | Miscellaneous |
Year of Publication | 2001 |
Authors | Annamraju, S, Calaguas, B, Gutierrez, E |
Pagination | 30 p. : 5 box., 2 fig., 3 tab. |
Date Published | 2001-11-01 |
Publisher | WaterAid |
Place Published | London, UK |
Keywords | financing, funding agencies, government organizations, policies, poverty, private sector, sanitation, water supply |
Abstract | This report looks at the different sources of finances available for the global water and sanitation sector and how the financing gap can be filled to achieve universal access. The financing problem, which is mainly an international problem rather than a problem of the developing countries, can be states as : How can current levels of spending at the global level be sustained, while securing the extra funds that are needed while giving sanitation the priority. The report argues that contrary to current thinking, the private sector cannot fill the investment gap. The solution lies in the following three areas: 1) efforts should be directed towards Northern governments, which should be lobbied to provide more official aid. 2) Southern governments should be lobbied to increase their financial allocations tothe water and sanitation sector. 3) Further effort should be directed to both Northern and Southern governments to recognise the investments that are currently ( and will continue to be) made by communities and householders. |
Notes | 30 ref. |
Custom 1 | 202.8, 302.8 |