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Targeted and affordable water tariffs, self-supply investments, microfinance and solar energy can help finance Ethiopia's water sector.

TitleFinancing universal, safe and sustainable water services in Ethiopia
Publication TypeBriefing Note
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsButterworth, JA, Kennedy, R
Secondary TitlePosition paper
Number of Volumes5
Pagination18 p. : 3 fig., 1 tab.
Date Published10/2019
PublisherMillennium Water Alliance and IRC Ethiopia
Place PublishedAddis Ababa, Ethiopia
Publication LanguageEnglish

Targeted and affordable water tariffs, self-supply investments, microfinance and solar energy can help finance Ethiopia's water sector.

Significant investment and political will is needed for Ethiopia to achieve the Sustainable Development Goal for water (SDG6). This position paper reviews current WASH investments, their utilisation and funding needs. This is followed by an examination of the financing potential from taxes, tariffs and domestic resources including micro-finance and self-supply investments for rural, small town and urban water supply as well as for schools and health care facilities. Solar powered water schemes are mentioned as one potential solution to reduce operating expense burdens. The paper concludes with the Millennium Water Alliance's (MWA) recommendations for the water sector taking into consideration existing water sector delivery service and financing dynamics.

This is the fourth position paper in a series of five produced through the 2017-19 Millennium Water Alliance Bridge Program in Ethiopia. It is made possible through support from the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation.


Includes ref. and notes

Citation Key86540




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