Written for a non-specialist readership, this book provides straightforward guidance on the options for faecal sludge treatment and the choices between those options
Title | Faecal sludge and septage treatment : a guide for low- and middle-income countries |
Publication Type | Book |
Year of Publication | 2018 |
Authors | Tayler, K |
Pagination | xviii, 349 p. : 29 boxes, 33 fig., 24 photogr., 31 tab. |
Date Published | 08/2018 |
Publisher | Practical Action Publishing |
Place Published | Rugby, UK |
Publication Language | English |
Abstract | Many middle- and low-income countries are experiencing rapid urbanization, which creates a need for services, including sanitation. While some areas in some towns and cities are sewered, most people, especially the urban poor, continue to use various forms of on-site sanitation. These require periodic emptying and the material removed from them must be treated before reuse or discharge to the environment. This book confronts the urgent need to treat increasing volumes of faecal sludge and septage in the rapidly expanding towns and cities of the global south. It discusses the urban contexts that influence treatment requirements and overall septage treatment processes. It examines the options and design approaches at each stage of treatment, from reception, through preliminary treatment, solids – liquid separation, anaerobic and aerobic treatment of the separated liquid and solid fractions to systems to render treated products suitable for reuse in either agriculture or as a fuel. Written for a non-specialist readership, this book provides straightforward guidance on the options for faecal sludge treatment and the choices between those options.[publisher abstract] |
DOI | 10.3362/9781780449869 |