Title | Faecal contamination of a fish culture farm where hospital wastewater grown duckweeds are used as fish feed |
Publication Type | Conference Paper |
Year of Publication | 2001 |
Authors | Islam, S, Alam, MJ, Sadique, MA, Nair, GB, Sack, DA, Rahman, MA, Kabir, MS, Khan, SI, Ekramullah, M, Sack, RB, Huq, A, Colwell, RR |
Pagination | P. 289-298 : 4 fig. |
Date Published | 01/2001 |
Keywords | bacteriological quality, bangladesh mirzapur, duckweeds, faecal coliforms, fish farms, fish feed, hospitals, oxidation ponds, sdisan, wastewater treatment |
Notes | 28 ref. |
Custom 1 | 341.1, 303 |