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TitleExternal factors influencing the sustainability of micro and small piped water enterprises in Kenya’s peri-urban areas
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2011
AuthorsMukulu, E, Oyugi, L, Mwarania, S
Paginationp. 198 - 206; 8 fig.
Date Published2011-08-01
Place PublishedLos Angeles, CA, USA
Keywordscommunity development, economic development, kenya, peri-urban communities, piped distribution, private sector, rural development, socioeconomic impact, sociology, sustainability

This article examines the influence of external factors on the sustainability of micro and small piped water enterprises (MSPWEs) in peri-urban areas of Kenya. It is based on a study that examined MSPWEs in peri-urban areas of Kenyan cities- Nairobi, Mombasa and Kisumu. Sociopolitical support, regulation, forms of business organization and business development interventions were postulated and studied as factors that could render the industry conditions in which the MSPWEs operate to be favourable or unfavourable and hence influence the sustainability of the MSPWEs. The target population was 2,742 MSPWEs. Data was collected by administering questionnaires to a sample of 503 MSPWEs selected by stratified random sampling supplemented by interviews of top management in key institutions on water services delivery in Kenyan cities and direct observations. The study found that socio-political support, regulation, forms of business organization and business development interventions are external factors that influence sustainability of MSPWEs. [authors abstract]

NotesWith 14 references
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