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Microfinance organizations, government subsidies and mining industries may represent potential sources of financing for the implementation of sustainable sanitation technologies and services in Mongolia.

TitleExploring alternative sources of funding for deploying sustainable sanitation technologies and services in Mongolia
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsUddin, SMN, Tempel, A, Adamowski, JF, Lapegue, J, Li, Z, Mang, H
Secondary TitleInternational journal of water resources development
Date Published02/2016
Publication LanguageEnglish
Keywordsecological sanitation

One of the major challenges for deploying sustainable sanitation technologies and services around the world is financing. The present study applied both qualitative (key informant interviews) and quantitative (household survey) methods to explore sources of alternative financing in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, towards deploying sustainable sanitation technologies and services. Microfinance organizations, government subsidies and mining industries may represent potential sources of financing for the implementation of sustainable sanitation technologies and services in Mongolia. Moreover, building social capital among Ger residents and reinventing the idea of ‘corporate WASH responsibility’ could constitute new directions for the future ]author abstract]


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