Sustainability instruments contribute to better water, sanitation of hygiene (WASH) projects but still face shortcomings.
Title | Experiences with sustainability instruments : clauses, checks and compacts for ensuring WASH Services |
Publication Type | Literature Review |
Year of Publication | 2015 |
Authors | Verhoeven, J, Uijtewaal, E, Schouten, T |
Pagination | 19 p. : 8 tab. |
Date Published | 03/2015 |
Publisher | IRC |
Place Published | The Hague, The Netherlands |
Publication Language | English |
Abstract | This report, based on a desk review, describes experiences in the use of several sustainability instruments that are used in water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) projects. These instruments are:
The report concludes with a summary of the main features of each instrument followed by a discussion on how they contributed to sustainable projects as well as on their shortcomings. |
Notes | Includes 9 ref. |
Citation Key | 79258 |
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