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TitleThe evolving role of water co-operatives in Finland
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2011
AuthorsTakala, AJ, Arvonen, V, Katko, TS, Pietilä, PE, kerman, MWÅ
Paginationp. 11 - 19; 2 tab.; 2 fig.
Date Published2011-07-01
PublisherNew Harmony Press
Place PublishedCheltenham, UK
Keywordscooperation, finland, sanitation services, stakeholders, water supply services, water user cooperatives

Finland has a long tradition of organising water services through co-operatives, especially in rural areas but also in bigger townships. Currently there are some 1400 water co-operatives in the country providing water supply and increasingly also sewerage services. From the late 1800s to the early 2000s five development phases can be identified in the history of water cooperatives. This article discusses the general characteristics, diversity and main stakeholders of water co-operatives. It argues that water co-operatives have great potential especially in the rural areas of developing and transition economies. [authors abstract]

NotesBibliography on p. 18 - 19




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