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This report represents a summary of ex post evaluation studies commissioned by the Overseas Development Administration's Evaluation Department and focuses on rural water supply and sanitation projects.

TitleEvaluation synthesis of rural water & sanitation projects
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication1997
AuthorsWhite, J
Paginationiv, 74 p.
Date Published1997-05-01
PublisherUnited Kingdom, Department for International Development
Place PublishedLondon, UK
Keywordscab97/4, evaluation, health impact, monitoring, policies, projects, rural areas, safe water supply, sanitation, sdiman, sustainability

This report represents a summary of ex post evaluation studies commissioned by the Overseas Development Administration's Evaluation Department and focuses on rural water supply and sanitation projects. The report covers six evaluation studies and one review: CARE International in Sierra Leone - Moyambe Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project, Sierra Leone; WaterAid in Uganda - Busoga Region Borehole Rehabilitation Project, Uganda; Nepal Eastern Region Water Supply Project, Nepal; Madura Groundwater Irrigation Project, Indonesia; Swaziland Rural Water Supplies, Swaziland; Lesotho Village Water Supplies, Lesotho; and Review of the Gurkha Welfare Trust Project, Nepal. The synthesis report draws out the main points from the original project reports and identifies the key lessons learnt. Findings cover: health and hygiene education; felt needs and/or effective demand; sustainability; cross cutting issues; implementation and monitoring; role of NGOs and private sector; and humanitarian aid.

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