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TitleEvaluation of Danish support to water supply and sanitation (1999-2005)
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication2007
AuthorsDenmark, Mof Foreign, Nijmegen, NLRoyal Hask, IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre, The Hague, NL, Ecorys, Copenhagen, DKCopenhagen
Pagination118 p.; 17 refs.
Date Published2007-11-01
PublisherMinistry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark
Place PublishedCopenhagen, Denmark
ISSN Number978-87-7667-820-3; e-ISBN: 978-87-7667-821-0; ISSN: 1399-4972
Keywordsaccess to sanitation, access to water, bangladesh, benin, burkina faso, egypt, ghana, millennium development goals, sanitation, uganda, viet nam, water supply

The Evaluation is positive in its assessment of the relevance of the Danida support to the seven countries (Bangladesh, Benin, Burkina Faso, Egypt, Ghana, Uganda and Vietnam). When looking at an aggregate level at persons reached (coverage) as well as weighted against the four issues of the evaluation matrix: relevance, institutional sustainability and financial sustainability and aid delivery mechanisms, the Evaluation is positive on the Danida interventions. Despite the positive assessment, the Evaluation makes recommendations on the policy directions and interventions of Danida. (athors abstract)

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