All the learning alliances continue functioning at generally healthy — albeit varying — levels of interaction, particularly when considering the COVID-19 challenges of 2020.
Title | Ethiopia endline social network analysis |
Publication Type | Research Report |
Year of Publication | 2021 |
Authors | Hempfling, C, Ristovsky, B, Frome, R, IRC, LINC |
Pagination | vi, 120 p. : 38 fig., 46 tab. |
Date Published | 05/2021 |
Publisher | Sustainable WASH Systems Learning Partnership, USAID |
Place Published | Washington, DC, USA |
Publication Language | English |
Keywords | social network analysis |
Abstract | USAID Sustainable WASH Systems Learning Partnership (SWS) conducted a social network analysis (SNA) to better understand the relationships and changes over time among water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) actors in the four locations in Ethiopia where SWS is operating — two small towns focused on sanitation services and two rural woredas (districts) focused on water supply. In each location, SWS is facilitating a learning alliance comprising relevant stakeholders from government, private sector, civil society, and academic institutions to improve efficiency, effectiveness, and sustainability of local WASH services through increased collaboration and sharing. Following a baseline and midterm SNA, this endline SNA is the last of three conducted over the life of the SWS project, which allows changes to be observed in each network over the course of SWS’s activities. By analyzing SNA data and trends over time, SWS quantified learning alliance dynamics to observe differences and commonalities among members based on their services, sectors, and relationships. Through this research, SWS found that all the learning alliances continue functioning at generally healthy — albeit varying — levels of interaction, particularly when considering the COVID-19 challenges of 2020. Descriptions of each of the four SWS Ethiopia learning alliances are included along with links to interactive maps that allow users to “filter” actors and relationships to visualize and analyze sub-networks. |
URL | |
Citation Key | 88390 |