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Reflections on the blended course "Educating in Technology for Development", held in 2003 and aimed at 61 university professors in Spain.

TitleEstrategias para el impulso de la educación para el desarrollo en la universidad : la experiencia del curso de Formación de Formadores universitarios ¿Educando en Tecnología para el Desarrollo Humano¿
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2004
AuthorsAristizábal, A, Acebillo, MB, Visscher, JT, Hidalgo, S, A. Foguet, P, Carlos, DCN
Secondary Title II Congreso Nacional Universidad y Cooperación al Desarrollo. "II Congreso Nacional Universidad y Cooperación al Desarrollo"
Date Published01/2003
PublisherUniversidad de Murcia
Place PublishedMurcia, Spain
Publication LanguageSpanish

Our globalized and interrelated world, but with profound economic, social and technological inequalities, needs a responsible university community trained in thematic areas such as the current international situation, the inequalities between the North and the South and their historical evolution, the agents involved in development and the role that technology plays in these processes. To this end, it is essential that university teachers and professors acquire learning styles that enable the integration of the values of Development Education into the environment. field of training in technical careers. In this context, the experience of the blended course "Educating in Technology for Development", held in 2003 and aimed at 61 university professors in Spain, is presented. The promoter of the course has been the Spanish Federation of Engineering Without Borders and has been taught from the platform of the Open University of Catalonia (UOC). The objectives of this course have been to provide the participating trainers with theoretical and practical elements for the design and implementation of educational actions consistent with the principles of solidarity and cooperation, which have been materialized in different training proposals (free choice subjects, incorporation of objectives of education for development in a transversal way, etc.) based on the pedagogical proposal of education for development, to promote education in values at the university.




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