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This document provides guidelines to PVOs and NGOs for developing water supply and sanitation projects that are environmentally sound.

TitleEnvironmental guidelines for PVOs and NGOs : potable water and sanitation projects
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication1992
AuthorsWyatt, A, Hogrewe, W, Brantly, E
Secondary TitleWASH reprint: field report
Volumeno. 402
Paginationiii, 48 p.: 1 fig., 4 tab.
Date Published1992-01-01
PublisherEnvironmental Health Project (EHP)
Place PublishedArlington, VA, USA
Keywordsenvironmental degradation, environmental impact assessment, evaluation methods, groundwater, guidelines, health impact, non-governmental organizations, projects, safe water supply, sanitation, small-scale activities, surface waters, voluntary agencies, water pollution

This document provides guidelines to PVOs and NGOs for developing water supply and sanitation projects that are environmentally sound. It describes the steps PVOs and NGOs should take to identify, study and address the potential negative impacts that water supply and sanitation projects may have on public health and environment. The document outlines a process for conducting an environmental evaluation of proposed projects. The types of technologies for which these guidelines were prepared include for water supply: small diameter wells and hand pumps; spring-fed gravity feed water distribution systems; more complex water systems including well or surface water pump, storage tank and distribution to standposts, individual yard taps or connections; and extensions of existing urban water lines into unserved or under-served peri-urban zones. For sanitation, the technologies covered include: individual latrines (VIP, composting, pour-flush); community latrines; small scale septic tank systems; extensions of existing urban water-borne sewage lines; and water-borne sewage with disposal to surface waters. Large-scale projects including surface water impoundments, water and sewerage treatment works are not considered. The document presents information at a level of detail appropriate to project managers and trained technical professionals.

Notes39 ref.
Custom 1114, 203.1


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