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TitleEnvironmental engineering in developing countries : a textbook
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication1990
AuthorsDahi, E
Pagination416 p.: fig., tab.
Date Published1990-01-01
PublisherPolyteknisk Forlag
Place PublishedLyngby, Denmark
ISBN Number8750207016
Keywordsadministration, appropriate technology, biogas, developing countries, economic aspects, environmental engineering, health aspects, sewerage, social aspects, solid wastes, storm drainage, wastewater treatment, water distribution, water reuse, water supply, water treatment

Environmental engineering as practised in industrialized countries is not always transferable to developing countries, due to the different environmental problems, level of technology, socio-economic background and many other considerations. This text covers aspects of environmental engineering in the context of the developing countries for which it is to be used. Improving conditions in rural areas is stressed. The book discusses in depth appropriate technologies for water supply and sanitation services, from project planning to operation and maintenance. Different water treatment and waste disposal systems are presented. Sociological aspects, with emphasis on women's participation are reviewed, along with strategies for including women. Epidemiological information is presented. Examples are given throughout the text of experiences in Africa and Asia.

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