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TitleEngaging in IWRM : practical steps and tools for local governments
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication2008
AuthorsPhilip, R, Anton, B, Bonjean, M, Bromley, J, Cox, D, Smits, S, Sullivan, C, van Niekerk, K, Chonguiça, E, Monggae, F, Nyagwambo, NL, Pule, R, M. López, B
Secondary TitleLocal government and integrated water resources management (IWRM)
VolumePart III
Pagination183 p.; fig.; tab.
Date Published2008-03-01
Keywordsaccess to water, community participation, decision making, local level, southern africa, stakeholders, water resources development, water resources management

This document provides guidance on how to embark on an IWRM process at the local level by proposing a number of practical steps and tools. The document consists of three main parts. The first describes opportunities to apply IWRM principles within Local Government mandates; the second focuses on the development of a local IWRM action plan; and the third is a collection of tools and methodologies to assist the user in IWRM. The document is primarily targeted at local governments from the Southern African Development Community (SADC) region interested in participating in IWRM, but is also of use to any individual or organisation working with local governments on issues of water management. It suggests ways in which IWRM principles can be translated into practical applications at local government level and is intended to be used once a commitment to IWRM is in place, backed up by political support and stakeholder participation. Developing and engaging in an IWRM process can be a daunting task, especially at the local level where capacities may be limited. However, the application of IWRM principles does not necessarily require substantial resources, as it can start with a few small steps carried out in selected local government mandates. The extent of IWRM can vary and may target just the local community or, ideally, also look beyond Local Government boundaries through collaboration with neighbouring administrations and higher levels of government on water resources issues in what is described as a
‘twin-track’ approach. Overall this guidance document aims to provide local governments that are committed to IWRM with advice and the necessary means to start putting IWRM into practice, as well as assisting them in identifying the best approach for their specific circumstances. [authors abstract]

This document is part of the project ‘LoGo Water : towards effective involvement of local government in Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) in river basins of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) region’.

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