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A five-page glossy giving an overview of the achievements of the Watershed programme.

TitleEmpowering citizens to raise your voice for water, Watershed 2016-2020
Publication TypeFact Sheet
Year of Publication2021
Pagination5 p.
Date Published12/2021
Place PublishedThe Hague, the Netherlands
Publication LanguageEnglish

Watershed was unique in the world. The largest programme to date supporting civil society (CSOs) organisations to use advocacy-based approaches to deliver changes in policy and practice in water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) and Water Resource Management (WRM). We encouraged members to #RaiseYourVoice for water. It was a strategic partnership between the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs (the Directorate-General for International Cooperation (DGIS)) and IRC, Simavi, Wetlands International and Akvo. In just five years (2016-2020) it achieved an impressive set of real and measurable achievements across seven countries (Bangladesh, Ghana, Kenya, India, Mali, the Netherlands, Uganda) and globally.

This brochure gives an overview of the approach, key achievements, the legacy, the way forward and the flagship knowledge products.

Citation Key88294


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