This book investigates the effective demand for rural water supply in South Africa, considering the application of a demand-responsive approach in order to improve project sustainability.
Title | Effective demand for rural water supply in South Africa : technical and financial implications of designing to meet demand |
Publication Type | Book |
Year of Publication | 1999 |
Authors | Webster, M |
Secondary Title | A WEDC MSc Study in International Development |
Pagination | xviii, 100 p. 10 fig., 3 graphs, 1 map, 21 tab. |
Date Published | 1999-12-01 |
Publisher | Water, Engineering and Development Centre, Loughborough University of Technology, WEDC |
Place Published | Loughborough, UK |
ISBN Number | 0906055687 |
Keywords | capital costs, costs, demand responsive approaches, design, financing, house connections, maintenance costs, public standposts, rural supply systems, sdiafr, sdipol, south africa, sustainability, tariffs |
Abstract | This book investigates the effective demand for rural water supply in South Africa, considering the application of a demand-responsive approach in order to improve project sustainability. It reviews demand assessment methods and uses a case study to examine the technical and financial implications of designing for a mixed level of service. Three scenarios are developed for different mixes of communal standpipes, yard connections and house connections in which capital costs, operation and maintenance costs and possible household tariffs are estimated. |
Notes | 106 ref. |
Custom 1 | 202.5, 202.8, 262.0, 824 |