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TitleEcological sanitation and reuse of wastewater : ecosan, a thinkpiece on ecological sanitation
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication2004
AuthorsJenssen, PD, Heeb, J, Huba-Mang, E, Gnanaken, K, Warner, WS, Refsgaard, K, Senstrom, TA, Guterstam, B, Alsen, KW
Pagination18 p. : photogr.
Date Published2004-03-01
PublisherAgricultural University of Norway
Place PublishedOslo, Norway
Keywordsappropriate technology, composting, cultural aspects, ecological sanitation, gender, health aspects, poverty, recycling, sdisan, wastewater treatment

The objective of this paper is to show decision makers that ecological sanitation (ecosan) can play an important role in meeting new and sustainable sanitation requirements of both rich and poor countries, from household level up to wastewater systems for mega-cities. The paper reviews the advantages of ecosan in terms of affordability, health and social benefits, and water and resource conservation. Examples of ecological sanitation practices in China, India, Botswana, South Africa, Sweden, Germany and Norway are provided. This is followed by a discussion on cultural and gender aspects of ecosan approaches and health aspects/benefits.

Notes39 ref.
Custom 1301, 343



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