The main purpose of the Sida Sanitation Workshop was to widen the range of policy options in sanitation by presenting and discussing ecological alternatives in urban sanitation with special reference to the possibility of reusing human excreta, particular
Title | Ecological alternatives in sanitation : proceedings from Sida Sanitation Workshop, Balingsholm, Sweden 6-9 August 1997 |
Publication Type | Conference Report |
Year of Publication | 1997 |
Authors | Winblad, U, Drangert, J-O, Bew, J |
Secondary Title | Publications on water resources / SIDA |
Volume | no. 9 |
Pagination | ii, 90 p. : ill., tab. |
Date Published | 1997-10-01 |
Publisher | SIDA, Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency |
Place Published | Stockholm, Sweden |
ISBN Number | 9158675515 |
Keywords | cab97/6, case studies, disease control, ecological sanitation, el salvador, fertilizers, institutional aspects, japan, mexico, pacific islands (nz), peri-urban communities, sdisan, septage, urine, water reuse |
Abstract | The main purpose of the Sida Sanitation Workshop was to widen the range of policy options in sanitation by presenting and discussing ecological alternatives in urban sanitation with special reference to the possibility of reusing human excreta, particularly urine, for agricultural purposes. Fifty participants from 22 countries analyzed the basic problems of urban sanitation, discussed a variety of possible solutions, presented case studies from around the world and visited an ecological sanitation project in the vicinity of Stockholm. The main papers from the Workshop are presented in this report. Other case studies are summarized here but can be made available in full upon request to Sida. The findings of the Workshop were presented at the Stockholm Water Symposium the following week and are included in these Proceedings. |
Notes | Includes references |
Custom 1 | 321.0, 352.2 |