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The evaluation set out to: a. identify drought crisis points through reconnaissance and meetings with local community leaders, churches, NGO's, and other authorities; b.

TitleDrought relief assistance to the water supply task Force of the National Consultative Forum on the Drought (Republic of South Africa)
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication1993
AuthorsMalina, A, Hodgkin, J, Leblanc, M, Robertson, D
Secondary TitleWash field report
Volumeno. 388
Paginationxii, 56 p.: 8 photogr.
Date Published1993-01-01
PublisherWater and Sanitation for Health Project (WASH)
Place PublishedArlington, VA, USA
Keywordsdrought, emergency operations, evaluation, recommendations, rural areas, south africa, south africa ciskei, south africa lebowa, south africa natal / kwazulu

The evaluation set out to: a. identify drought crisis points through reconnaissance and meetings with local community leaders, churches, NGO's, and other authorities; b. assess the conditions at each crisis point and prioritize interventions; c. intervene with emergency resources; d. consolidate water security using local surface and/or groundwater; e. review the longer-term water security of the area through an advisory committee and the consultants; and f. review the consultants' plans in terms of these objectives. The report provides a broad overview of the water supply and drought situation in the areas where the WASH team worked in late 1992. Recommendations for the future water supply activities for the areas visited are also given.

Notes22 ref.
Custom 1276, 824



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