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TitleDrinking water : equity, safety and sustainability : thematic report on drinking water
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
AuthorsUNICEF -New York, NY, US, WHO -Geneva, CH, World Health Organization
Pagination60 p.; 40 fig.; 2 tab.
Keywordsdrinking water, evaluation, millennium development goals, monitoring, water quality monitoring, water supply

The WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme for Water Supply and Sanitation JMP tracks progress towards the MDG target by analysing datasets obtained through standardized household surveys and censuses, including Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys (MICS), Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS), Living Standard Measurement Study (LSMS) surveys, Core Welfare Indicator Questionnaires (CWIQ), World Health Surveys (WHS) and Household Budget Surveys (HBS). The JMP analyses focus on two proxy indicators, one for drinking water supply and one for sanitation. This report highlights the opportunities and challenges for further strengthening of global monitoring, particularly in relation to monitoring the safety of drinking water and the sustainability of access. Future monitoring needs, including enhanced information on safety, sustainability and reliability, as well as possible strategies to address these, are outlined. [authors abstract]

NotesWith bibliogaphy on p 59 - 60
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