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This paper reviews the available information about the efficiency and application of the traditional domestic water purification method employing natural coagulants (seeds of Moringa oleifera and Strychnos potatorum) and laboratory data on the efficiency

TitleDomestic water purification for developing countries
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1992
AuthorsChaudhuri, M, Gupta, A
Paginationp. 290-298: 8 fig., 5 tab.
Date Published1992-01-01
Keywordsadsorption, candle filters, coagulants/flocculants, filtration media, household appliances, literature reviews, moringa oleifera seeds, point-of-use treatment, research, upflow filtration, water treatment

This paper reviews the available information about the efficiency and application of the traditional domestic water purification method employing natural coagulants (seeds of Moringa oleifera and Strychnos potatorum) and laboratory data on the efficiency of domestic candle filters which are popular in urban areas. It also focuses on recent development/testing/modification of a low-cost filtration system and development/testing of filtration/adsorption media for domestic water filters.

Notes31 ref.
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