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TitleDistrict-wise (girl) students’ access to sanitation in community schools
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication2011
AuthorsKathmandu, NPWaterAid -
Pagination1 p.
Date Published2011-08-01
PublisherWaterAid in Nepal
Place PublishedKathmandu, Nepal
Keywordsaccess to sanitation, nepal, policies, schools, statistics

1-pager on the availability of toilets in schools in Nepal.  The government of Nepal’s policy says that 1 toilet must serve 50 students. The data-set shows that, on average, one toilet serves 127 students.  Out of about 28,000 community schools, only about 18,000 schools have toilets for students of which  80 % do not have separate toilets for their girl students.
In general, the further (north) west in Nepal, the more likely it is schools do not have separate toilets for girls.

NotesIncludes references
Custom 1302.3




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