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Community-based service providers need regular, structured support that goes beyond ad hoc technical assistance.

TitleDirect support post-construction to rural water service providers
Publication TypeBriefing Note
Year of Publication2015
AuthorsSmits, S, McIntyre, P
Secondary TitleBriefing notes series - Building blocks for sustainability
Pagination8 p.; 4 tab.; 1 fig.; 1 box
Place PublishedThe Hague, the Netherlands
Publication LanguageEnglish
Keywordscommunity management, monitoring, service delivery, Triple-S (Sustainable Services at Scale), water supply services

Community-based service providers need regular, structured support that goes beyond ad hoc technical assistance. With effective support, their ability to fulfil administration, operation, and maintenance functions improves and the sustainability of water services becomes more likely. Conversely, lack of support is associated with neglect of capital maintenance, major breakdowns, and lower levels of service. Support can come from local government, central government, NGOs, or associations of service providers, or combinations of the above. Findings suggest that effective direct support costs in the range of US$ 1 to US$ 3 per water user per year, depending on factors such as population density.


References on p. 7 - 8

Custom 1


Reprint Edition03/2015
Citation Key73010



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