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This report provides a diagnosis of the existing WaSH Monitoring & Evaluation system(s) in Ethiopia: a rapid snapshot of the current situation. Part 1 of the report (tasks 1 and 3) was prepared by IRC as part of our support to the National WaSH Coordination Office in development of improved M&E for the One WaSH National Program.

TitleDiagnostic review report : technical and managerial support for strengthening the monitoring and evaluation (M&E) system of the One WaSH National Programme (OWNP)
Publication TypeResearch Report
Year of Publication2015
AuthorsCoffey, IRC
Pagination[xiii], 81 p.
Date Published08/2015
PublisherCoffey International Development and IRC
Place PublishedLondon, UK
Publication LanguageEnglish

The ambitious One WaSH National Programme (OWNP) needs to be able to demonstrate and communicate its results, with sound evidence and analysis being used to drive improved programme implementation, improve delivery of services at all levels and encourage further programme investments.
This report provides a diagnosis of the existing WaSH Monitoring & Evaluation system(s) in Ethiopia - a rapid snapshot of the current situation - and has been undertaken in relation to the proposed OWNP M&E framework. It includes review of the current WaSH sector governance with respect to M&E, critical WaSH processes such as local operations (service delivery), reporting and planning, and M&E systems being used or under development by both government and non-government actors.

Citation Key79761



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