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TitleDevelopment of sector wide approaches in water and sanitation : Meeting on Sector Wide Approaches, Geneva 2-5 October 2000
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2000
AuthorsMoriarty, PB, Visscher, JT, Blokland, MW, Saade, L
Pagination11 p.
Date Published2000-08-31
Place PublishedDelft, The Netherlands
Keywordsdevelopment cooperation, netherlands, policies, sanitation, sdipol, water supply

Sector wide approaches have emerged in response to the failure of project based approaches to make a significant impact on development related problems. They seek to put national governments at the centre of development strategy and policy, and to channel all aid through nationally designed sector plans. To date most experience with sector wide approaches comes from the social sectors – mainly health and education.

This paper outlines the main characteristics of sector wide approaches, and the most pressing issues surrounding their implementation, both in terms of water and sanitation and broader development policy. A number of suggestions are made as to how sector wide approaches could be applied to the water and sanitation sector.

Notes10 ref.
Custom 1202.3
Original PublicationSector wide approaches for water and sanitation development



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