The video is based on a field survey carried out in rural Orissa (India), and provides a guide to educators, field personnel, and communicators.
Title | Developing a pictorial language : a guide for field educators and communicators |
Publication Type | Audiovisual |
Year of Publication | 1993 |
Authors | Delhi, INFoundation, Bhubaneshwar, INDANIDA- |
Pagination | Video (60 min.): VHS/PAL |
Date Published | 1993-01-01 |
Publisher | Foundations |
Place Published | New Delhi, India |
Keywords | audiovisual aids, cab95/34, communication, field studies, guidelines, health education, hyedvid, india orissa, projects, rural communities, safe water supply |
Abstract | The video is based on a field survey carried out in rural Orissa (India), and provides a guide to educators, field personnel, and communicators. The video is part of the visual experiences gained during the implementation of the Orissa Drinking Water Project. The video documents the developing of appropriate visual communication materials for a rural audience, based on rural perception of pictorial materials, and has live recordings of field testing involving local rural artists. It is meant to assist policy makers, planners and project management personnel involved in planning communication aids for rural people. |
Custom 1 | 134, 204.3 |
Original Publication | Developing a pictorial language : an experience of field testing in rural Orissa : a guide for communicators |