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TitleDeterring corruption and improving governance in the urban water supply & sanitation sector : a sourcebook
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication2008
AuthorsHalpern, J, Kenny, C, Dickson, E, Ehrhardt, D, Oliver, C
Secondary TitleWater working notes
Volumeno. 18
Paginationix, 158 p. : 45 boxes, 16 fig., 11 tab.
Date Published2008-12-01
PublisherWorld Bank
Place PublishedWashington, DC, USA
Keywordscorruption, financial management, government organizations, legislation, policies, sanitation, sdiman, sdipol, water supply

This Sourcebook aims to help sector practitioners to assess the extent and risk of corruption in sectors in which they work and to improve governance in ways that will reduce corruption. It is in four parts: understanding corruption, assessing the risks, extent, and locales of corruption in a particular country; ways to reduce corruption by improving governance; and monitoring and evaluating measures implemented to improve governance, to allow learning from experience. In each section, corruption and governance are considered at sector, provider and capital projects level. The Sourcebook focuses exclusively on network providers in the urban water and sanitation sector. It is as a set of modules within a coherent framework. Part II on assessing corruption risk, and Part III on reducing corruption, are divided into modules on particular topics of interest to practitioners engaged in program design and implementation. Section 2 provides the framework that shows how component parts interrelate, and will be most useful to those with a remit or influence that extends to overall sector development. The Sourcebook aims to explain and illustrate approaches and instruments and how they can fit together, and refers the reader to more in-depth material that may be helpful. It includes some examples of how best to use it in various circumstances. The sourcebook is part of a broader program of work on governance and corruption in the water supply and sanitation sector.

NotesIncludes references and glossary
Custom 1202.2, 302.2


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