Title | Designing water and sanitation projects to meet demand in rural and peri-urban areas : the engineer's role : interim report |
Publication Type | Miscellaneous |
Year of Publication | 2001 |
Authors | Smout, I, Deverill, P, Bibby, S, Wedgwood, A |
Pagination | ix, 60 p. + 12 p. annexes : 13 boxes, 4 fig., 6 tab. |
Date Published | 2001-01-01 |
Publisher | Water, Engineering and Development Centre, Loughborough University of Technology, WEDC |
Place Published | Loughborough, UK |
Keywords | demand responsive approaches, engineers, evaluation, guidelines, implementation, india, nepal, peri-urban communities, planning, projects, rural areas, sanitation, sdiman, sdipar, south africa, sustainability, tanzania, water supply |
Notes | 54 ref. |
Custom 1 | 202.5, 302.5 |
Original Publication | Designing water supply and sanitation projects to meet demand in rural and peri-urban communities. Book 1. Concept, principles and practice, Designing water supply and sanitation projects to meet demand in rural and peri-urban communities. Book 2. Additio |