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The report looks at the planning process for a sanitation programme in a poor urban setting (squatter areas of Montego Bay, Jamaica). The locations concerned are Rosemont and Norwood - areas of housing built on rocky, steep hillsides.

TitleDesigning a sanitation program for the urban poor : case study from Montego Bay, Jamaica
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication1997
AuthorsPerez, EA, Reddaway, B
Secondary TitleActivity report / EHP
Volumeno. 34
Paginationvii, 41 p. 3 boxes, 2 maps, 1 tab.
Date Published1997-05-01
PublisherEnvironmental Health Project (EHP)
Place PublishedArlington, VA, USA
Keywordscab97/4, jamaica montego bay, planning, sanitation, sdilac, sdisan, sdiurb, squatter settlements

The report looks at the planning process for a sanitation programme in a poor urban setting (squatter areas of Montego Bay, Jamaica). The locations concerned are Rosemont and Norwood - areas of housing built on rocky, steep hillsides. The sanitation improvements are being undertaken as part of an upgrade programme funded by USAID/Jamaica. The report discusses characteristics of successful sanitation planning drawing on findings from the Collaborative Council's Working Groups on Sanitation and Services for the Urban Poor, joint efforts of UNICEF, PAHO, and other international donors. Then it discusses the case study from Jamaica to describe how these characteristics and steps were employed in a specific programme planning effort. At the end of the planning period, a work plan for the local implementing organization, a Jamaican NGO, was also prepared.

Notes7 ref.
Custom 1305.42, 826



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