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TitleDecentralization, Fiscal Effort and Social Progress in Colombia at the Municipal Level, 1994-2009: Why Does National Politics Matter?
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication2013
AuthorsBank, I-ADevelopmen
Secondary TitleIDB Working paper series
Pagination31 p. 7 tab.
Date Published2013-07-01
PublisherInter-American Development Bank
Place PublishedS.l.
Keywordscapacity building, governance, local level

The present paper explores the relationship between political competition and effective public goods delivery systems in a decentralized context to study whether the awareness generated through such a competitive environment and the existence of more political options are a part of the causal mechanisms for effective governance. In particular, we want to observe the effect of electoral competition on the incentives to build fiscal capacity and provide public goods such as education and water, that are to a large extent the responsibility of the local municipalities.[author abstract]

Notesref. p. 28
Custom 1817



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