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This video [in Dutch] shows the work of various people in The Netherlands who are involved in the production or the use of drinking water. Themes such as sustainable water use, water quality and water conservation predominate throughout the video.

TitleDe kleur van water
Publication TypeAudiovisual
Year of Publication1995
AuthorsNetherlands. Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment -NL, VROM, Rijswijk, NLVEWIN-
PaginationVideo (19 min) : VHS
Date Published1995-12-01
PublisherVereniging van Exploitanten van Waterleidingbedrijven in Nederland (VEWIN)
Place PublishedRijswijk, The Netherlands
Keywordsdrinking water, netherlands, sdiwat, sdiwrm, water conservation, water quality monitoring, water use

This video [in Dutch] shows the work of various people in The Netherlands who are involved in the production or the use of drinking water. Themes such as sustainable water use, water quality and water conservation predominate throughout the video. It may be useful for showing to [Dutch] schools. There is nothing about developing countries.

Custom 1200, 821
Translated TitleThe colour of water



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