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This study takes a look at some of the prominent micro-finance institutions in India and explores four very different experiences with the delivery of micro-credit for infrastructure.

TitleCredit connections : meeting the infrastructure needs of the informal sector through microfinance in urban India : issues paper
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication1999
AuthorsSelf Employed Women's Association -Ahmedabad, IN, SEWA, Delhi, INWater and
Pagination20 p. : 1 box, ill., 9 photogr., 1 tab.
Date Published1999-07-01
PublisherUNDP-World Bank, Regional Water and Sanitation Group - South Asia (RWSG-SA)
Place PublishedNew Delhi, India
Keywordsfinancing, gender, housing, india, infrastructure, microcredit, safe water supply, sanitation, sdiasi, sdiman, slum upgrading

This study takes a look at some of the prominent micro-finance institutions in India and explores four very different experiences with the delivery of micro-credit for infrastructure. The purpose of the study is to consider what is already taking place in the micro-finance sector in India, examine the constraints facing micro-finance institutions and identify some of the changes that are needed for the benefit of the millions of people who live in India's cities under appalling conditions. The study gives some practical guidelines for micro-finance together with a broader overview of the national situation. It is intended to be a useful introduction to the issues of micro-credit for urban instrastructure.

Notes41 ref.
Custom 1202.8, 822




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