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TitleCourse material on : health, socio-cultural & communication aspects of rural water supply and environmental sanitation
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication1990
AuthorsCalcutta, INAll India
Paginationca. 150 p.: tab.
Date Published1990-01-01
PublisherITN Centre, All India Institute of Hygiene and Public Health
Place PublishedCalcutta, India
Keywordscommunication, community participation, curricula, disease transmission, health education, health impact, questionnaires, rural areas, sanitation, water quality monitoring, water supply, water-related diseases, women

Includes the following chapters: Chapter - 2 health aspect of water and sanitation; Chapter - 3 planning of communication support in water supply and sanitation projects; Chapter - 4 socio-economic survey : methods of data collection and processing; Chapter - 5 participation of women in water supply and sanitation programme; Chapter - 6 hygiene education; Chapter - 7 water quality surveillance; and Chapter - 8 evaluating health impact of water supply, sanitation and hygiene education.

NotesChapter 1 missing
Custom 1203.0


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