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The report provides insights on the cost of providing water in emergency situations using two camps as case studies. The life-cycle costs approach was tested and adapted to understand the water services and associated costs provided in refugee camps.

TitleCosting water services in refugee camps : Camp Bambasi, Ethiopia, and Camp Kounoungou, Chad
Publication TypeResearch Report
Year of Publication2015
AuthorsPezon, C, Bostoen, K, Carrasco., M, Jacimovic, R
Pagination41 p. : 19 fig., 22 tab.
Date Published06/2015
PublisherIRC and UNHCR
Place PublishedThe Hague, The Netherlands
Publication LanguageEnglish

This report applies the life-cycle costs approach (LCCA) to the provision of water services in two UN refugee camps, Bambasi in Ethiopia and Kounoungou in Chad. It is based on cost data from financial reports in Geneva and both camps and on service level-data collected through the UNHCR monitoring system and on site through a water point survey.

Citation Key79576




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