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TitleLife-cycle costs in Ghana: cost study of small towns water schemes in central region
Publication TypeBriefing Note
Year of Publication2012
AuthorsNyarko, KB, Asante, J, Dwumfour-Asare, B, Moriarty, PB
Secondary TitleWASHCost Ghana briefing note
Pagination12 p,; 7 Fig.; 3 Tab,;
Date Published12/2012
Place PublishedThe Hague, the Netherlands
Publication LanguageEnglish
Keywordsghana, small towns, sustainable water services

Access to water in Ghana has been increasing steadily with the MDG target for water achieved ahead of time. However, increased water coverage is threatened by high rates of non-functional systems, estimated at 30% or more in Ghana. The high rate of non-functional water systems adversely affects the delivery of sustainable water services.

This briefing note presents WASHCost Ghana findings on the cost of providing water services in small towns, focused on piped water systems. It elucidates the factors affecting sustainable water service delivery and provides cost information for planning sustainable water service in the small towns in Ghana, based on the results of a study of 12 small towns water supply systems in the Central region of Ghana.

Citation Key77719




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