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Trends in cost recovery policies, consumers' ability and willingnes to pay, water tariff structures, fee collection and financial management are discussed.

TitleCost recovery in water supply in developing countries
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1990
AuthorsKatko, TS
Paginationp. 86-94: fig.
Date Published1990-01-01
Keywordsadministration, cost recovery, financing, policies, revenue collection, water costs, water supply charges, water vendors, willingness to pay

Trends in cost recovery policies, consumers' ability and willingnes to pay, water tariff structures, fee collection and financial management are discussed. Cost recovery, operational technology and appropriate institutions are the key requirements of sustainability. Commonly practised water vending and reselling, while a good indication of actual willingness to pay for water, is a very costly system. In practice free water supply benefits the rich. Progressive tariffs and innovative collection methods should be used instead.

NotesIncludes references
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