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The Copenhagen Informal Consultation on Integrated Water Resources Development and Management was held in November 1991 to discuss a general framework for water resources development and management.

TitleCopenhagen report : implementation mechanisms for integrated water resources development and management : report from Copenhagen Informal Consultation, November 11-14, 1991
Publication TypeConference Report
Year of Publication1992
AuthorsInitiative, NFreshwater
Paginationii, 60 p.: fig.
Date Published1992-01-01
PublisherDANIDA, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Place PublishedCopenhagen, Denmark
Keywordsdemand responsive approaches, integrated approach, policies, water resources development, water resources management

The Copenhagen Informal Consultation on Integrated Water Resources Development and Management was held in November 1991 to discuss a general framework for water resources development and management. Competing water needs, population growthh and the depletion and degration of available resources is taking its toll. Further development in these areas will necessarily have to include a more intensive look at the sustainability aspect. The need for integrated cross-sectoral development is stressed, including land (soils and vegetation) management, range management, and other issues not generally stressed in water management. The implementation of this integration implies a decentralization of water resources management, including that of the private sector as well as institutional development. This should take place on demand; i.e., a demand-driven management and regulation. The conceptual framework presented includes all levels, from village to international. These are presented in the contexts of socio-political, economic, and hydrological aspects, and include management decisions and obligations on all levels.

NotesIncludes references
Custom 1202.3, 210


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