This book considers how contracting out can be further enhanced to deliver improved water and sanitation service provision in low- and middle-income countries.
Title | Contracting out water and sanitation services. Vol. 1. Guidance notes for service and management contracts in developing countries |
Publication Type | Book |
Year of Publication | 2003 |
Authors | Morales-Reyes, JI, Franceys, RWA, Sansom, KR, Njiru, C |
Pagination | x, 81 p. : 30 boxes, 6 fig., 3 tab. |
Date Published | 2003-09-01 |
Publisher | Water, Engineering and Development Centre, Loughborough University of Technology, WEDC |
Place Published | Loughborough, UK |
ISBN Number | 0906055970 |
Keywords | contracts, government organizations, guidelines, institutional aspects, legislation, low-income communities, partnerships, policies, private sector, sanitation, sdiman, water supply |
Abstract | This book considers how contracting out can be further enhanced to deliver improved water and sanitation service provision in low- and middle-income countries. Using example contract clauses and typical processes, it provides guidance for developing well-designed contracts. A number of specific guiding principles are included, as well as discussion of an appropriate enabling environment for contracting out (Publisher's abstract) |
Notes | 38 references. |
Custom 1 | 202.2, 302.2 |