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TitleConstruction of hand dug wells and protection against pollution : interregional project for the implementation and evaluation of special public works programmes
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication1982
AuthorsBoschi, I
Secondary TitleTechnical instructions
Volumeno. VII
Paginationiii, 56 p.: fig.
Date Published1982-01-01
PublisherUNDP (United Nations Development Programme)
Place PublishedGeneva, Switzerland
Keywordsboreholes, concrete, dug wells, eye infections, faecal-disposal diseases, faecal-oral infections, hand digging, health, health impact, skin infections, tube wells, ue, vector-borne diseases, wasp, water conservation, water quality, water-related diseases, well construction, well digging, well lining
NotesBibliography on p. 56
Custom 1212.5, 244


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