A step by step approach to reduce risks and have a positive impact in fragile and conflict affected situations.
Title | Conflict sensitive private sector development (PSD) : guidelines for Ministry and Embassy staff and implementing partners |
Publication Type | Manual |
Year of Publication | 2019 |
Authors | Netherlands. Ministry of Foreign Affairs |
Pagination | 7 p. |
Date Published | 11/2019 |
Publisher | Ministry of Foreign Affairs |
Place Published | The Hague, the Netherlands |
Publication Language | English |
Keywords | fragile states |
Abstract | These guidelines offer a step by step approach to reduce risks and have a positive impact in fragile and conflict affected situations. They include a scheme of the steps involved in applying a fragility lens and their desired outcomes. There is a list of useful resources and an annex with guiding questions and recommendations, which can be used for both new as well as existing policies/interventions/investments in for instance public infrastructural programmes. |
Notes | Includes 9 ref. |
URL | https://www.government.nl/topics/development-cooperation/documents/reports/2019/11/04/guidelines-conflict-sensitive-private-sector-development |
Citation Key | 86556 |