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The document has been developed as a complement to WASH Technical Report No. 32, "Facilitator Guide for Conducting a Team Planning Meeting" (isn 1225).

TitleConducting a team planning meeting for studies and concept development tasks : facilitator's guide
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication1993
AuthorsRosensweig, F, Joyce, S
Secondary TitleWash technical report
Volumeno. 87
Paginationviii, 37 p.
Date Published1993-01-01
PublisherWater and Sanitation for Health Project (WASH)
Place PublishedArlington, VA, USA
Keywordsconsultants, guidelines, methodology, planning, team work, technical assistance, training courses

The document has been developed as a complement to WASH Technical Report No. 32, "Facilitator Guide for Conducting a Team Planning Meeting" (isn 1225). This guide is intended as a tool for conducting a Team Planning Meeting (TPM) for a proactive task. WASH defines proactive tasks as those activities that are of general interest and not tied to a specific country. They often capture lessons learned, advance the state-of-the-art, or offer practical tools for operational issues. Proactive tasks may include producing concept papers, guidelines, literature reviews, training guides, lessons-learned documents, and applied research. The emphasis is placed on the product itself and not the fieldwork. This second TPM guide was developed as the first guide was aimed at field tasks and was less appropriate to concept development tasks and studies. This TPM guide is intended for those who facilitate team planning meetings. It is divided into ten sections, which can be covered over a two-day period.

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