Title | Compendium of instructions for the implementation of the rural water supply and the rural sanitation programmes |
Publication Type | Miscellaneous |
Year of Publication | 1997 |
Authors | IN, IRajiv Gand |
Pagination | 276 + 120 p. : tab.. tech drawngs. |
Date Published | 1997-01-01 |
Publisher | Rajiv Gandhi National Drinking Water Mission |
Place Published | New Delhi, India |
Keywords | communication, community participation, decentralization, design criteria, drilling rigs, drought, external support agencies, financial management, guidelines, implementation, india, institutional framework, maintenance, management information systems, manpower development, monitoring, non-governmental organizations, operation, rural areas, safe water supply, sanitation, water management, women |
Abstract | The Centrally Sponsored Accelerated Rural Water Supply Programme (ARWSP), begun in India in 1972, was reintroduced in 1977 to accelerate the coverage of problem villages with safe drinking water. A Centrally Sponsored Rural Sanitation Programme (CRSP), introduced in 1986, sought to improve the quality of life of rural people and to provide privacy and dignity to women through the adoption of scientific hygiene and sanitary practices. Success in implementing these programmes depends on the clear perception of the roles, functions and responsibilities, as well as coordination, of various agencies and institutions implementing the programmes. Since the inception of the programmes, a large number of guidelines and instructions have been issued and the need is felt for easy and ready reference to instructions and orders issued on the programmes over the period. This document is a compilation of the more important guidelines, orders, or instructions issued to date to facilitate their easy reference and also to serve as source material for action in the field to promote smooth and effective implementation. General guidelines and design criteria are given for ARWSP as well as specific instructions on financial management, operation and maintenance, community participation, the involvement of women and NGOs, drinking water supply to SCs/STs, human resource development, implementation of the programme through external support agencies, and IEC strategies for awareness creation in the water and sanitation sector. Technical guidelines are included for rig monitoring and management, water management, mini-missions and sub-missions, and drought management. Continuous scientific and technological inputs, as well as research and development, are encouraged for upgrading the quality and effectiveness of ongoing programmes. The document also contains instructions for surveying problem villages, developing a computerized rural development information system, monitoring programmes, delegating powers to the states for technical clearance of schemes under ARWSP and CRSP, and empowering committees. Under the Central Rural Sanitation Programme, health education is stressed as a necessary adjunct to the programme. Instructions for implementation include the use of voluntary organizations, mass media, local opinion leaders, ICDS blocks, primary health centres, model sanitation villages, sanitary marts, and the establishment of sanitation cells. A series of annexes accompany the document. |
Notes | Includes subject index |
Custom 1 | 822 |