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Costs associated with community management of water supply and sanitation systems need to be defined at an early stage.

TitleCommunity management in water supply and sanitation projects : costs and implications
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1991
AuthorsYacoob, M, Walker, J
Paginationp. 30-34
Date Published1991-02-01
Keywordsadministration, community participation, costs, economic aspects, financing, rural supply systems, sustainable development

Costs associated with community management of water supply and sanitation systems need to be defined at an early stage. Moreover, their efficiency should be examined at a local level rather than at a government level to allow long-term community management. Projects which were considered to have had a strong community participation of focus have failed because the costs of time to rural communities was not appreciated.

Notes17 ref.
Custom 1205.1


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