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TitleA community guide to environmental health
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication2008
AuthorsConant, J, Fadem, P
Pagination617 p. : ill.
Date Published2008-05-01
PublisherHesperian Foundation
Place PublishedBerkeley, CA, USA
ISSN Number9780942364569
Keywordsenvironmental health, groundwater protection, guidelines, health aspects, sanitation, sdihyg, solid wastes, toxic wastes, water quality

From toilets to toxics, from watershed management to waste management, from raising crops to rising temperatures, how we use natural resources affects our health and well-being. Drawing the connections between people’s health and the environments in which we live, this well documented guide will help health promoters, development workers, environmental activists, and community leaders to take charge of environmental health. In small villages and large cities, this publication can provide the tools, knowledge, and inspiration to begin transforming the crisis in environmental health.
23 chapters cover topics including: 1) preventing and reducing harm from toxic pollution; 2) forestry, restoring land, and planting trees: 3) protecting community water and watersheds; 4) food security and sustainable farming; 5) environmental health at home; 6) solid waste and health care waste; 7) how to reduce harm from mining, oil, and energy production. It covers topics as : community mobilization; water source protection, water purification and water-borne diseases; sanitation; mosquito-borne diseases; deforestation and reforestation; pesticides and toxics; solid waste and health care waste.
With dozens of activities to stimulate critical thinking and discussion, inspirational stories, instructions for simple health technologies such as safe toilets, safe cleaning methods and non-toxic cleaning products, water purification methods, and drawings to make the messages clear, this publication will be a helpful tool for people just beginning to address environmental health threats, as well as people with many years experience in the field.

NotesBibliography: p. 583-593. - Includes index and glossary
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