Outlines the steps that need to be taken to develop and implement a communication strategy for the water and sanitation sector, based on the experiences of many people in many countries.
Title | Communication in water supply and sanitation : resource booklet |
Publication Type | Case Study |
Year of Publication | 1993 |
Authors | de Jong, D, Ling, J, Gorre-Dale, E |
Edition | rev. ed. |
Pagination | 58 p. |
Date Published | 1993-01-01 |
Publisher | WSSCC Core Group on Information, Education and Communication in WSS |
Place Published | The Hague, The Netherlands |
Keywords | bangladesh, case studies, communication, ghana, guinea-bissau, hyedcom, sanitation, sustcom, water supply |
Abstract | Outlines the steps that need to be taken to develop and implement a communication strategy for the water and sanitation sector, based on the experiences of many people in many countries. Includes suggestions for advocacy at national and global level, and basic elements for messages on water supply and sanitation to priority target groups. This booklet is designed to support people who are convinced of the need for change in the water sector and who want to know how to put a communication programme into effect, in and for the sector. It cannot be prescriptive or fulfil the role of a manual, as there is considerable variation from country to country in the way the necessary steps should be introduced. What it can do is offer guidance based on the experiences of many people in many countries, and outline the steps that need to be taken to develop and implement a communication strategy. Such a strategy should be designed to support the sector goal of supplying everyone in each country in the years to come with sustainable basic water supply and sanitation. Included as an appendix is a collection of short advocacy pieces which address some of the key questions raised in and by the booklet and which can be referred to or used as a short summary. Together, these pieces set out to make the case for the creation of a communication culture in the Water and Sanitation Sector. Target audience: people who are convinced of the need for change in the water sector and who want to know how to put a communication programme into effect Published under the aegis of the Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council. |
Custom 1 | 204.3 |
Original Publication | Comunicacao no setor de abastecimento de agua e saneamento : um livro de referencia |