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TitleCommunicating health : an action guide to health education and health promotion
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication2004
AuthorsHubley, J
Edition2nd ed.
Paginationxii, 228 p.: boxes, fig.
Date Published2004-01-01
Place PublishedLondon, UK
ISBN Number1405028831
Keywordsattitudes, behaviour, beliefs, children, communication, communications media, community participation, guidelines, health education, planning, policies, schools, sdihyg

This updated and expanded book provides practical information for those planning programmes to improve community health. It presents a state-of-the-art review of current practice in developing countries as well as approaches from industrialised countries. The overall structure of the book follows the pattern of basic concept - core theory - specific methods - implementation. Chapter 1 provides an introduction to health education and health promotion. Chapters 2-4 are the core chapters, dealing with human behaviour, communication and teaching. Chapters 5-10 give details of communication methods for different target groups: individuals and small groups (face-to-face), communities, and school children and out-of-school youths. They also deal with the popular and mass media. Chapter 11 provides guidelines on planning, evaluation and implementation. The author states that what may work in one community may not work in another. He stresses the need to apply these methods in a systematic way, learn from mistakes, involve the communities and evaluate, in order to improve the effectiveness of the activities.

NotesIncludes references, addresslist and index
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