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TitleComing into its own : hygiene promotion for development
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2010
AuthorsSijbesma, C
PaginationP. 14-23; 24 refs.; 1 tab.; photographs
Date Published2010-10-01
ISSN Number9781921499036
Keywordseducation, hygiene

The presentation was made on Wednesday 9 June 2010, when 45 practitioners and researchers on hygiene behaviour change met to share and discuss the lessons from 11 case studies and the two keynote papers on the effective promotion of good hygiene practices. The keynote paper presents a state-of-the-art overview of current approaches used for hygiene promotion, and aims to help the reader understand the far-ranging benefits and importance of good hygiene practices. It describes behaviours, target groups, locations and timings when hygiene promotion is most crucial, and offers a range of approaches to hygiene promotion and a model for designing or assessing these approaches. The paper also examines a selection of good practices from the region highlighting their strengths and weaknesses, and offering a number of conclusions for hygiene promotion in South-East Asia and the Pacific. Extensive references of web-based papers are given to assist readers in examining specific areas of interest further. [authors abstract]

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