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TitleCollecting life-cycle cost data for WASH services : a guide for practitioners
Publication TypeWorking Paper
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsFonseca, C, Veenkant, M
Pagination36 p.
Date Published01/2019
PublisherIRC Ethiopia
Place PublishedAddis Ababa, Ethiopia
Publication LanguageEnglish

This document is a step-by-step guide to collecting data for a life-cycle cost approach (LCCA) to water service delivery at the district level.  Its a guide for collecting data, conducting surveys and interviews, and contextualising the information. It addresses water services but is equally useful for assessing sanitation services. The guidance was developed for Ethiopia; for other countries, some terms may need to be adapted. The goals and realities of the project or programme in which the LCCA is applied may require you to be innovative and deviate from the outlined approach.

Citation Key85424




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