The assessment reveals that there is an urgent need for hygiene awareness and behaviour change communication initiatives in Ganjam district.
Title | A case for hygiene : findings from an assessment of WASH practices in three gram panchayats of Ganjam District in Odisha, India |
Publication Type | Briefing Note |
Year of Publication | 2022 |
Authors | Das, N, Nayak, BK, Saha, S |
Pagination | 8 p. : 3 fig., 3 tab. |
Date Published | 09/2022 |
Publisher | Centre for Youth and Social Development and IRC |
Place Published | Bhubaneswar, India |
Publication Language | English |
Abstract | This note briefly discusses the findings from an assessment of the prevailing water supply, sanitation and hygiene situation and practices in the Chhatrapur block of Ganjam district. The situation assessment is based on a mixed method approach, involving both qualitative and quantitative data collection. Data was collected on: sanitation and water coverage; household toilet access, piped water connection usage and handwashing practices; access to toilets, piped water supply (public) and water connections in toilets; toilet use and handwashing practice; access to and use of toilets; and access to water in toilets and practice of handwashing post defecation. The assessment reveals that there is an urgent need for hygiene awareness and behaviour change communication initiatives in Ganjam district. The Pragati project is addressing this need by training women self-help groups. The study is part of the Pragati project aimed at promotion of hygiene in three gram panchayats of Ganjam district, comprising of two parts: demand generation through hygiene awareness and meeting the demand through skill building on soap making. |
Citation Key | 89547 |